2009年4月29日 星期三
Edward 誰敢換!
2009年4月28日 星期二
the Ashmore brother
2009年4月26日 星期日
A Mom’s Obsession
New Moon Fan-made vids
New Moon 新聞分享
2009年4月24日 星期五
Robert Pattinson Reveals Details on New Moon
2009年4月23日 星期四
Oasis To Go On Long Hiatus
看完後真的嚇出我一身...很難形容到底是冷汗還是慶幸還是...無言, 這對兄弟真的不對盤到了極點, 結論是慶幸居多吧! 原因如下: 1. 我在找不到咖一起去的情況下, 還在午休時間飛奔出去買票. 2. 也慶幸我雖然還不熟他們的東西就買了四千大洋的搖滾區. 3.演唱會high到我魂瑩夢牽好幾天(不過正常我參加完演唱會都持續high好幾天啦)
就別像MUSE一樣令我內傷垂心肝, 喔~~~他們2008年來的時候還不認識他們, 只是覺得有趣, 買了Black Holes & Revelations , 直到今年Twilight原聲帶才愛上...歌詞好棒!!!為時已晚啦~~~望著那張"亞洲巡迴盤"...每看一次都再欲哭無淚一次的痛啊!!!
還要再說下去嗎?!那Travis也是揪著我的心...那陣子太忙, 知道演唱會的時間就是當天...而且就算我掰出掛急診的病狀去請假也來不及的時候...阿阿阿阿阿阿阿阿阿阿~~~~~~~~~哀嚎ㄚ~~~
http://www.chartattack.com/news/68750/oasis-to-go-on-five-year-hiatus 04/21/09
Oasis will take a five-year break before releasing another album so as not to hurriedly rush another one out, and so guitarist/singer Noel Gallaghercan issue a solo record.
Gallagher first spoke about releasing a solo album last year, and now that looks to be more actual plan than trial balloon. He told Q Magazine he's "got a lot of songs lying around" for it, and modestly says "some of them are really great." But if Oasis release another album before Gallagher puts out a solo disc, they'll just "sit there and do nothing," so he wants to start recording them at the end of Oasis' current tour.
"The last three albums have been three years in between, but I see it as likely to be longer this time," Gallagher told Q. "We've arrived at the point I wanted to be at from when Gem [Archer, guitar] and Andy [Bell, bass] joined the band.
"And the last time we did that was at the end ofBe Here Now, and we rushed [Standing On The Shoulder Of Giants]. There was no inspiration on it. Even before the end of making each Oasis album, I've always started writing the next one, and I haven't this time. I don't want to force it.
"By the time we make another record we'll be five years older."
Gallagher also said last year he hopes that his brother, singer/guitarist Liam Gallagher, releases his own album. He repeated that wish when interviewed by Q. He wants every Oasis member to release a solo disc, even though Liam "will fucking freak out" at the prospect.
That wouldn't bother Noel, who had some harsh things to say to Q about his younger brother.
"He's never seen my little lad, just pictures. To a stranger it sounds ludicrous, but you wouldn't have him in the house if he spoke to you the way he speaks to me and my family.
"He's rude, arrogant, intimidating and lazy. He's the angriest man you'll ever meet. He's like a man with a fork in a world of soup."